Property tax is the tax you pay to the local government when you reside in a particular property. This tax depends upon multiple factors such as area, locality, occupant type, construction type, usage type, and prices pertaining in that specific zone. The same applies for properties in Coimbatore.
Property tax in Coimbatore is collected by the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation (CCMC). This amount is paid annually.
As an individual residing in Coimbatore, you can easily calculate the property tax with the help of a property tax calculator available online for free on the website of CCMC.
The factors used to determine the calculation of Property Tax-
You can pay property tax in Coimbatore via offline and online mode.
You will have to physically visit the office of Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation (CCMC), fill in the self-assessment form and make the payment at any of the banks registered with CCMC.
The following banks are registered with CCMC for the payment of property tax.
For assessment of property tax, the following documents are required:
For Name Transfer, the following documents are required:
You can pay property tax on the official website of CCMC, or at the office of CCMC or at any of the registered banks listed for the payment of property tax.
There is no standard rate of property tax in Coimbatore. The rate of property tax depends on multiple factors such as name of the property holder, house no., locality, and other details.
The rate per sq. ft. depends on the municipal zone where the property is situated.